

therapy clinic.


what is testosterone? 

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics like muscle mass and bone density, fat distribution, sex drive, sperm production and facial and body hair.  

who is affected by low testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence, when men reach their late 30's and early 40's testosterone levels begin to decline. Lifestyle and environmental factors including stress, poor diet, a lack of physical activity and lack of sleep can negatively affect testosterone levels even further, and if left untreated may decrease your life expectancy.

is testosterone replacement therapy right for you?

Feeling tired? Low energy? Depressed? Lacking concentration? Declining libido? Erectile dysfunction? Gaining weight? Loss of strength? Difficulty sleeping? Increased hair loss? Irritable? You could be suffering from the many symptoms of low testosterone.

Low testosterone is rarely talked about and as a result under diagnosed. Men often brush off adverse symptoms as part of “growing older” or the consequences of a busy life. But no matter how “young” you are, or how hectic your life is, you shouldn’t feel weak, tired, irritable or exhausted every day.

Checking testosterone levels is as easy as having a blood test. The numbers however are merely numbers without a full assessment. Whether it’s to relieve your symptoms, improve your quality of life, or simply getting back to feeling good again, learn more about testosterone balance with Rufus.

Getting older is inevitable, feeling older is a choice.

  • Boost energy and vitality

  • Improve strength, muscle mass and athletic performance

  • Increase bone density

  • Promote fat burn

  • Improve libido and sexual function

  • Sleep better and feel rested

  • Increase clarity, concentration and memory

  • Get relief from depression and anxiety

  • Stimulate hair growth

benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.


“Since starting TRT, I am 20 pounds lighter and my energy, mental clarity and sleep have improved significantly.”

— Jonathan F.

“I have a renewed sense of energy since taking TRT! I am losing inches from my waist, gaining muscle mass, and feel 10 years younger.”

—Leonard B.

"After many doctor visits with no relief, my friend told me about TRT. I was suffering from exhaustion, couldn’t seem to lose weight, and my hair was thinning. TRT has been life changing!”

—Peter Z.

Rufus Health is the first dedicated testosterone replacement therapy clinic of its kind in Alberta.

We provide simple, painless and sustainable testosterone treatments tailored to your needs, in a comfortable environment that works best for your schedule.

Rufus is a private clinic whose consultation services are not yet covered by Alberta Health. However, your insurance provider or employee health spending may cover some, or all of the costs associated with consultations, lab tests and prescriptions.

Given the exceptional standard of service within the clinic we only have a limited number of memberships available, and will honour the client list in sequence, and priority access will be given to those in the order of sign ups.

about rufus health.

it’s not just you.

millions of men like you experience low testosterone.
